Privacy policy / This Privacy Policy
aims to inform you about how Cargoagent treat your personal data as an administrator, and how you can control your preferences and settings for this treatment.
A general data protection regulation (GDPR) has been adopted by the European Union and its purpose is to align the EU Member States' policies on the collection and use of personal data. Another goal is to guarantee our right to privacy, to protect our personal data in order to provide more security against the misuse of personal information of each and every one of us.
The Cargoagent collects data for all visitors
- user data such as ip, browser, user,
- all data are kept for 5 years behind,
- all offers made by users are kept for 1 year.
Data collected by google analytics, they are small text files that are sent from the web server to the browser used and stored on your device so the site can recognize it.
The goals we use cookies are the most basic tracking of your behavior in the following directions:
Tracking sections of the site you visit
How long you spend on a site;
When you visit our site and partner sites
Who we share and disclose your personal information
- at the request of the authorities and institutions.
Data subjects' rights according to GDPR
Right of access to your personal data: You have the right to receive confirmation from us whether personal data are processed for you and, if this is the case, you have the right to access the personal data and information.
Right to rectification of personal data: If you find that the personal data we process for you are inaccurate, you are entitled to make us correct this personal data.
Right to delete personal data (the right to be forgotten): in certain circumstances, such as if your personal data has been processed unlawfully or you have withdrawn your consent (if the processing of personal data is based on consent), you have the right to request and receive delete your personal data from us.
Limitation of processing: In certain circumstances, such as if you have doubts about the accuracy of your personal data or have objected to our legitimate purpose of processing your personal data, you may request that we restrict the processing of your personal data until it is found solution.
Right of objection to processing: in certain circumstances, such as if you have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data, you have the right to object, for reasons related to your particular situation, to such processing.
Data portability right: If your personal data is processed by automatic means with your consent or in order to perform our contractual relations, you may request that we provide you with your personal data in a machine-readable format for transferring to another data controller.
Right to submit a complaint to a control body: You have the right to complain about the processing of your personal data by us at the relevant control body.
Lando Moldavia International Transport oferta/intrebare pentru oferta dumneavoastra de marfa din TR Turcia Stanbul pana RO Romania Bukuresht cu data de incarcare Permanente Buna ziua,Ce tarif aveti pentru Istanbul -Bucuresti, ce se incarca (tonaj) si cum platiti? 2010-08-19 10:57:48
RDI-SERVICE SRL Offer/ request for your advetisement of _TRANS from KZ Kazachstan Алматы,Астана,Петропавловск to TR Turkey Стамбул,Анкара,Анталия with date of loading Permanent 2010-08-17 11:49:56
ERSA DIŞ TİC.LTD.ŞTİ Teklif/Sizin yük ilanı _TRANS soru RO Romanya Тимишоара, Решица, Сибиу, Тыргу-Муреш, Браилов Nereye TR Türkiye Стамбул, Бурса, Измир, Анкара, Картал, Маниса yükleme tarihi Daimi we have loadings from timisora to istanbul 2010-08-10 16:01:15
SELAY TASİMACİLİK LOJİSTİK KARGO HİZ.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ Teklif/Sizin yük ilanı _TRANS soru TR Türkiye любой Nereye AL Arnavutluk любой yükleme tarihi Daimi Selam aracınız bosmu kiralamak istiyorum 2010-08-10 11:05:38
DISTRAL d.o.o. ponuda/upit za vaš oglas za teret od TR Turska finike do SK Slovačka bratэslava sa datumom utovara Stalni 2.900 eur-a Cesh,Frigo 2010-08-09 09:28:11
INTER CITY DOOEL понуда/прашање за Вашата објава на транспорт од BG Бугарија любой до TR Турција любой со датум на товарење Постојани za 9.8. imam roba ot Canakkale do Skopje, Macedonija 24 t na palete ako vozis daj cena fra brzo placanje Vele Inter city Skopje, 2010-08-08 12:33:47
ELİT ULUSLARARASI NAKLİYAT Teklif/Sizin yük ilanı hakkında soru TR Türkiye Стамбул Nereye UA Ukrayna Донецк yükleme tarihi Daimi zdaveyte,kolko davate za istanbul-donesk.turska macina imami 2010-08-06 14:27:41
RusTransGroup БОЛУ-ОДЕССА/ПЛАСТИК НА ПАЛЕТАХ/19-20 ТОН 2010-08-05 16:10:56
AKYILMAZ ULUS TAŞIMACILIK LTD.ŞTİ. Teklif/Sizin yük ilanı hakkında soru TR Türkiye КУМЛУДЖА Nereye UA Ukrayna Одесса yükleme tarihi 30.12.2010 do you know turkısh? 2010-08-05 09:57:39
MN TRANSPORT Teklif/Sizin yük ilanı _TRANS soru TR Türkiye Анталия Nereye UA Ukrayna Любой (Украина) yükleme tarihi Daimi 2010-08-04 11:58:35
Troykatrans оферта/запрос на ваше объявление о _TRANS от GE Грузия TBILISI до TR Турция TR с датой погрузки 02.12.2010 Есть груз из Тбилиси на Ригу. Если интересуеть пишите или звоните. 2010-07-29 10:18:44
TERRA ULUS. TAŞ. DIŞ. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. istanbul- polonya (poznan) . Ready to load. Do you have a truck? What is freight? 2010-07-29 08:52:25
SC Smart-Transport srl Offer/ request for your advetisement of _TRANS from TR Turkey Стамбул to LV Latvia Рига with date of loading 28.12.2010 2010-07-28 16:17:32
Dalia Logistica Offer/ request for your advetisement of _TRANS from to with date of loading 2010-07-28 09:58:08
Gabrovnitsa AD Teklif/Sizin yük ilanı _TRANS soru BG Bulgaristan любой Nereye TR Türkiye любой yükleme tarihi Daimi 2010-07-27 22:16:09